Hi, my name is

Fadeke Adeola PhD.

I'm a scientist and artist.

I am a creative blend of artist and scientist, seamlessly weaving the realms of imagination and exploration to bring forth innovative ideas and expressions.

About Me

The allure of understanding the interplay between various biological disciplines drew her to the realm of Integrative Biology, where they embarked on her doctoral studies.

Throughout her doctoral journey, Fadeke Adeola chose the Acheta domesticus cricket as a primary subject of investigation.

Here are a few technologies I've been working with recently:
  • R/R Studio
  • FIJI/Image J
  • Audacity
  • Procreate
  • Adobe Express


Crayfish (Cherax dispar) fighting and performance research - University of Queensland (Visiting Researcher)
Aug 2023 - Oct 2023
Research, Graduate Teaching Assistant - University of New Orleans
Aug 2017 - May 2023

While at the University of New Orleans I was a researcher and Graduate teaching assistant of the Biology 1 teaching labs

  • I taught instrumentation and linear regression analysis in Microsoft Excel to freshman biology students.
  • Instrumantation included: Agar plate prep techniques using GFP, spectrophotometry, DNA amplification using a thermocycler and visualization and analysis through gel electrophoresis.
  • I used Audacity software to analyze male cricket calls
Learning Community Coordinator - UNO
Aug 2019 - Aug 2022

I worked as an event producer and content curator for the STEM learning community at the University of New Orleans

  • Facilitated Events for 200+ students of STEM majors within the residents halls
  • Coordinated Marking with the Director of Residential Life and the Department of Biological Sciences
Executive Assistant/ Sales Independent Contractor - Elektra Cosmetics
Apr 2022 - July 2023

I worked as an Independent contractor and Executive Assistant

  • Sales, Product Deliveries, Convention Travel, Product Quality Assurance, Product Inventory.
  • Product Demonstration and Makeup Application of Glitter Cosmetics including Bolt Balms, Eyeliners, and Eyeshadows.
Event Producer, Hospitality Engagement Operator - The Chloe NOLA
July 2021 - July 2023
I Produced an Art market at The CHLOE December 2021 credited on instagram fa.jpeg in New Orleans, LA.
Private Events Bartender - Rue Bourbon Events
Oct 2022 - Aug 2023
I was a private party bartender for parties ranging from 10 - 200 guests at Belle Epoque and other floors throughout the company in New Orleans, LA.

Get in Touch

My inbox is always open. Whether you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!